Embark on a transformative journey with Ericka Nicole Malone in ‘The Bucket Wish,’ a captivating documentary chronicling her personal pursuit of the life she has always envisioned. This film beautifully captures her path as she revisits her aspirations and courageously confronts the fears that once hindered her progress. From early challenges in dance to her endeavors in songwriting and the fearless exploration of past inhibitions, Ericka’s narrative is a powerful tale of self-discovery and unwavering resolve. Alongside her personal growth, Ericka extends her influence through acts of compassion and engages in profound dialogues within her community.
‘The Bucket Wish’ beckons viewers to introspect on their own aspirations, inspiring them to take tangible steps towards realizing their dreams. Witness how Ericka demonstrates that each small triumph contributes significantly to a life lived to its fullest potential.
© Ericka Nicole Malone. All Rights Reserved Ericka Nicole Malone Entertainment